Environment Science Behind the Stories Ap Edition Chapter 19 Notes


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Lecture Outlines Chapter 19 Environment: The Science behind the Stories 4th Edition

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Lecture Outlines Chapter 19 Environment: The Science behind the Stories 4th Edition

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Lecture Outlines Chapter 19 Environment: The Science behind the Stories 4th Edition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lecture Outlines Chapter 19 Environment:The Science behind the Stories 4th Edition Withgott/Brennan

  2. This lecture will help you understand: • Our energy sources • Coal • Natural gas • Crude oil • Alternative fossil fuels • Environmental impacts of fossil fuels • Political, social, and economic aspects • Conserving energy and enhancing efficiency

  3. It takes energy to make energy • Net energy = the difference between energy returned and energy invested • Net energy = energy returned – energy invested

  4. Energy returned on investment (EROI) • Energy returned on investment (EROI) = energy returned/energy invested • Higher ratios mean we receive more energy than we invest • Fossil fuels have high EROI • EROI ratios can change • U.S. oil EROI ratios have gone from 100:1 to 5:1

  5. Petroleum geologists find deposits… • Petroleum occurs in isolated deposits • Geologists drill cores and survey the ground and air to predict where fossil fuels may lie • Of the 11.6–31.5 billion barrels of oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, only about one-third of it (4.3–11.8 billion barrels) is "technologically recoverable" with current technology

  6. But not all oil can be extracted! • Some oil is so hard to extract, it is not worth the cost • Technology limits what can be extracted • Proven recoverable reserve = the amount of oil (or any other fossil fuel) that is technically and economically feasible to remove under current conditions

  7. We may have depleted half our reserves • We have used up 1.1 trillion barrels of oil • Half our reserves • Reserves-to-production ratio (R/P ratio) = the amount of total remaining reserves divided by the annual rate of production (extraction and processing) • At current levels of production (30 billion barrels/year), we have about 40 years of oil left • We will face a crisis not when we run out of oil, but when the rate of production begins to decline

  8. We are facing an oil shortage • Peak oil = rate of production peaks and then declines • We experience an immediate oil shortage • Production declines once reserves are depleted halfway • This crisis will begin within the next several years • Geologist M. King Hubbertpredicted that oil production would peak around 1970 • His prediction was accurate, and U.S. production continues to fall

  9. U.S. oil production has already peaked

  10. Global oil production is peaking Discoveries of new oil fields peaked 30 years ago, and we are using more oil than we are discovering

  11. Predicting an exact date for peak oil is hard • We won't recognize that we have passed peak production until several years have passed • Companies and governments do not disclose their amount of oil supply • Disagreement among geologists about reserves • Some estimates predict greater than expected reserves • Peak production will occur • Our lives will be profoundly affected

  12. Once production decreases…? • Discuss possible consequences of dwindling oil supplies: • HOW WILL YOUR LIVES CHANGE? • WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO DO ABOUT IT?

  13. OTHER SOURCES OF FOSSIL FUELS • Oil sands (also called tar sands) • Canada, (Keystone Pipeline!) • Venezuela • Oil shale – rock filled with organic matter that burns • Western US • Methane hydrate – methane trapped in ice • Arctic • Deep ocean • Extraction not perfected; very dangerous • Fracking • Extracting methane from deep underground

  14. Alternative fossil fuels have downsides • Their net energy values are low because they are expensive to extract and process • They have low energy returned on investment (EROI) ratios (about 2:1 compared to oil's 5:1) • Extraction devastates the landscape and pollutes waterways • Oil sands and oils use strip mining and pollute water • Alberta's oil sands mined 30 years ago still have not recovered • Combustion emits as much greenhouse gases and pollution as oil, coal, and gas

  15. Clean coal technologies • Clean coal technologies = technologies, equipment, and approaches to remove chemical contaminants while generating electricity from coal • Scrubbers chemically convert or remove pollutants • Removing sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides • Coal that contains lots of water can be dried • Gasification = coal is converted into cleaner synthesis gas (syngas) • Which can be used to turn a gas or steam turbine • These technologies have reduced pollution • But clean coal is still a dirty way to generate power

  16. Carbon capture and sequestration

  17. The U.S. has policies to reduce foreign oil • The U.S. is developing its own reserves • Many want drilling in ANWR • Despite charges that drilling won't help much • It imports oil from several countries • Companies are resuming extraction at closed sites • The government funds research into renewable energy sources • The Strategic Petroleum Reserve stockpiles oil in caverns under Louisiana as a buffer against shortages • But this reserve equals just one month's U.S. supply

  18. Energy efficiency and conservation • We need to minimize energy use from dwindling fossil fuel supplies • Energy efficiency = obtaining a given amount of output while using less energy input • Results from technological improvements • Energy conservation = reducing energy use • Results from behavioral choices • We can extend our nonrenewable energy supplies • Be less wasteful • Reduce our environmental impact

  19. Automobile efficiency affects conservation • The OPEC embargo of 1973 caused increased conservation, but it didn't last • Without high prices and shortages, there was no incentive to conserve • Government research into alternative energy decreased • Speed limits increased • Policy makers failed to raise the corporate average fuel efficiency (CAFE) standards • Low U.S. gas prices do not account for external costs

  20. CAFE standards • CAFE standards mandate higher fuel efficiency in cars • Fuel efficiencies fell from 22 mpg (1984) to 19 (2004) • They climbed to 21.1 in 2009 • In 2009 Congress mandated that cars must get 35 mpg by 2020 European and Japanese cars are twice as efficient as U.S. cars

  21. The Cash for Clunkers program • In 2009, the Obama administration tried to improve fuel efficiency, stimulate economic activity, and save jobs • The "Cash for Clunkers" program paid Americans $3,500 to $4,500 to turn in old cars and buy new, efficient ones • The $3 billion program subsidized the sale or lease of 678,000 vehicles averaging 24.9 mpg • Replacing vehicles averaging 15.8 mpg • 824 million gallons of gasoline will be saved • Preventing 9 million tons of greenhouse gases • Creating social benefits worth $278 million

  22. Drilling in ANWR will not fill U.S. oil demand A little conservation and efficiency will save far more oil than ANWR has ANWR holds oil equal to 1 year's supply of oil at current rates of use

  23. Personal choice and efficiency • Energy conservation can be accomplished in two ways • Individuals can make conscious choices to reduce energy consumption and increase conservation • Drive less, turn off lights, buy efficient machines • Energy-consuming devices can be made more efficient • Cars and power plants lose ⅔ of energy as waste heat

  24. We already have the technology we need • The U.S. has become more efficient, but we can do better • Cars: efficient engines, electric cars, hybrids, etc. • Cogeneration = excess heat produced during electrical generation is used to heat buildings • Or produce other types of power • It can double the efficiency of a power plant

  25. Efficiency in homes and consumer products • Improvements can reduce energy to heat and cool homes • Appliances have been reengineered to increase efficiency • Federal standards reduce electricity used • Consumers need to vote with their wallets by buying energy-efficient products If all Americans bought energy-efficient appliances, U.S. energy expenditures would be reduced by $200 billion

  26. We need conservation and renewable energy • Conserving energy is better than finding a new reserve • It decreases environmental impacts while extending our access to fossil fuels • Conservation does not add to our supply of fuel • We still need energy from somewhere • The only sustainable guarantee of a long-term supply of energy is from renewable energy sources

  27. Conclusion • Fossil fuels have helped build our complex industrialized societies • We are now approaching a turning point in history • Fossil fuel production will begin to decline • We can encourage conservation and alternative energy sources • Or we can wait until fossil fuels are depleted • Renewable energy sources are becoming feasible and economical • We can envision giving up on our reliance on fossil fuels

  28. QUESTION: Review Which energy source is versatile and emits the least CO2? • Coal • Natural gas • Petroleum • None of the above

  29. QUESTION: Review Which of the following describes when heavy machinery removes huge amounts of earth to expose coal? • Strip mining • Subsurface mining • Mountaintop removal • Illegal mining

  30. QUESTION: Review Which of the following does NOT describe natural gas that has been formed biogenically? • It was created in shallow water. • It was created by bacteria. • It is also called swamp gas. • It was created deep underground.

  31. QUESTION: Review _____ contains the most oil in the world, while ______ consumes the most • Mexico, Japan • Kuwait, France • Saudi Arabia, the United States. • The United States, the United States.

  32. QUESTION: Review It is estimated that we have already depleted ___% of our global oil reserves. • 25% • 50% • 75% • 100%

  33. QUESTION: Review Which statement about peak oil is NOT correct? • The United States has reached peak oil. • Production declines once reserves are 75% depleted. • Discoveries of new fields peaked 30 years ago. • We are using more oil than we are discovering.

  34. QUESTION: Review What is a major problem of oil shale and tar sands? • Mining for them destroys the land. • They release greenhouse gases. • Mining and using them releases pollution. • All of these are major problems of these sources of energy.

  35. QUESTION: Weighing the Issues How is your life affected as oil becomes more expensive? What will you do? • I will start conserving gasoline by walking more or carpooling. • I need my car, so I will just have to earn more money. • It won't affect me, because I already minimize my driving. • It won't affect me, because I have enough money to afford gasoline.

  36. QUESTION: Weighing the Issues • Yes; that would make people conserve gasoline. • Yes, but poor people would need subsidies to help them buy gasoline. • No; I don't want to pay more for gasoline. • I don't care; I have enough money to pay for expensive gasoline. Should the government raise taxes on gasoline to reflect its true cost?

  37. QUESTION: Interpreting Graphs and Data a) Extremely significant b) Extremely insignificant c) Very high d) Worth drilling for According to this graph, the contribution of oil from ANWR over the next 50 years will be:

  38. QUESTION: Interpreting Graphs and Data • Fuel efficiency can increase in the United States. • U.S. efficiency goes only upward. • Fuel efficiency is not possible in the United States. • The United States does not need efficiency. According to this graph, what would you best conclude?

Environment Science Behind the Stories Ap Edition Chapter 19 Notes

Source: https://www.slideserve.com/tamal/lecture-outlines-chapter-19-environment-the-science-behind-the-stories-4th-edition

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